

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

When life can surprise you again

I am not the kind of person who everybody wants to fuck with. I am not sexy as hell, and hot because of my body (yes I am but always there is some other guy hotter). But I am quite confident in a 1 to 1 conversation.

Last friday night, I was talking to one friend and we got more deep than usual, he talked about his interests in guys and I talked about my last guy, my life and that I am a little bit lost.

And then he gave me all the hints and the main key to happiness. Aitor, take care of yourself, you are the most important thing here, What you need when you are finished with your studies, is to travel far away and figure it out about everything. Experience new things, meet new people, opene my mind.

And try to find out the reason of my existence, my vocation. I thought chemistry was my vocation, but it is not. It is more a tool to grow up, and find my real vocation.

Well, I can say that after this conversation I opened a little bit more my eyes, I realized how important I am. I have friends who love me really, that I am kind of a light for some people. I can be inspiration, as other friends are for me.

I am so happy, that I lived something special this last 7 months, with all the people I met, I felt that I was a better me, because of them. It is not truth, I am better, because I can be the best. Just I was believing in others instead of believing in me.

It is not the end of this era, but I can say that I am not afraid of the next end and beginning.


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